All men (and I am assuming women) want to leave a legacy. We all want to be remembered for doing something great in this world. We have all experienced the want to change the world.

There isn’t a child I know that doesn’t admire firemen, policemen or astronauts at some point in their life. They all want to grow up to be one.

Somewhere along the line this desire to be their personal hero dies and they instead decide to work at McDonalds and smoke pot.

My confusion is where and why this happens.

Does this happen because parents aren’t properly pushing their children?
Does it happen because the schools are failing to push them to their full potential?
Or is it happening because society has placed its eggs in the wrong baskets.

Well, with most households having both parents working full time, our children falling 14th in math and sciences on a world scale and Honey Boo Boo being more popular than Neil Degrasse Tyson, I would have to say that all three are true.

There is no question that the education model our public school system has been using is a complete failure. It’s time that society take back the responsibility of inspiring our youth.

Our children don’t want to be spoon fed math problems they want to be inspired to do math. They don’t want death by power point on chemical reactions, they want to blow something up!

So how does this affect your legacy you ask?

If you are reading this post then you are likely involved in the sciences to some capacity.
You’re likely a hobbyist engineer of electronics or software. Possibly even a professional.
It’s time you put your skills to work.

I challenge each and every one of you to get out there and inspire a youth. Show them how to build a robot. Teach them how to make a Windows Phone actually say “Hello World” Show them how to bring something into existence with their mind and I assure you that you will do more for their future than Honey Bo Bo ever will.

We all want to be remembered for doing something great in this world. We have all experienced the want to change the world.

This is your chance to change the world. Inspire a youth, change the world, and leave a legacy.


Author: Anthony Russell

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