I know I have been pretty silent over the last month but it was for good reason, I promise. I have been hard at work on a new project that I built for the M3 Conference .I am happy to announce that after a ton of work I can finally release the next version of my M-Series Arduino RC Cars.


I am particularly proud of the M8 because it is the first time in the M series that I can confidently say I have developed a modular design that is not only solid to drive around but also extremely easy to upgrade. The M8 will allow anyone to create a simple Arduino RC car that they can modify without having to rely on kit makers. All the M8 pieces can be printed out at home. The chassis contains plenty of room to add in new components. Also, the new snapping system that I have added to the vehicle can be used to create new components that can be bolted right on to the car with very little modification.



M8 - Printed



Please feel free to modify it and hack it how you like. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!



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